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You need a Standard Type B Driving Licence to rent a motorhome in Sweden. The licence must be within date and accompanied by an official Swedish translation if written in a non-European, non-Latin alphabet.
The minimum age to rent a campervan in Sweden is 21, although you might have to pay a small insurance surcharge if you are under 25. You must also have been driving for at least one year before you can rent a motorhome.
Swedish law prohibits motor vehicles from travelling on public land in a natural environment. This means wild/free camping in a motorhome is generally prohibited.
The country has over 400 campsites. They start at around 191 Swedish Krona per night.
Sweden also has numerous rest stops which may allow you to stay for a night. Check the signposts or visit an information centre for regulations regarding a specific area.
Note: policies vary from supplier to supplier. Always check the T&Cs for your rental.